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The FNSB trail program was formally initiated in 1980 in response to local trail concerns and the continued loss of existing trails due to private development and other conflicting land uses. The original Trails Plan was adopted in 1985 to give the Borough guidance for the protection and management of local trails. The list of trails included in the Trails Plan has not been updated since 2006 and the identified issues, goals, strategies and objectives identified in the Trails Plan remain artifacts from its original draft produced in 1985.


Since 1985, FNSB communities have experienced considerable changes in local plans, ordinances, land uses, demographics and recreational tastes and use patterns. These changes have impacted how Borough residents use and access recreational trails. The 2006 Trails Plan falls short in addressing some of the most salient needs of local trail users today and into the future. In 2020, a process began to update the Trails Plan, culminating in an adopted, updated plan in 2023.


The FNSB’s Trail Plan is a tool used to identify, preserve, and manage important recreational trail corridors throughout the FNSB.  It has three functions:

1) establish a categorized system of trails,

2) establish maintenance policies for trails, and

3) call for a trail dedication authority to protect public access to trails.

The Trail Plan is part of the Borough Regional Comprehensive Plan, which is overseen by the Planning Commission with staff support from the Community Planning Department. The Trail Plan is implemented by the Borough’s Parks and Recreation Department with advisory support from the Trails Advisory Commission.


The vision for this Plan Update is:

To collaboratively develop a new Comprehensive Recreational Trails Plan with a system-wide approach that will be the primary decision-making tool guiding FNSB and its partners to prioritize the allocation of available resources to local trails.


The updated plan is based on the most recent available data and public participation, and identify goals, policies, and guidelines with actionable strategies to carry the FNSB through the next 10-20 years of trail management and development. 



Photo Credit: Explore Fairbanks


The FNSB Comprehensive Recreational Trails Plan update is being funded by a federal grant from the Office of Economic Adjustment. The content of the Updated Plan will reflect the views of the Fairbanks North Star Borough and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Office of Economic Adjustment.

STEP 1: Data Collection, Inventory & Analysis

STEP 2: Vision, Goals, Issues & Opportunities Identification

STEP 3: Future Trail Corridors Identification

STEP 4: Recommendations & Implementation Strategies Determination

STEP 5: Plan Development & Public Review
              Public Review Draft in May, 2022

STEP 6: Plan Adoption by TAC, Planning Commission

              & Assembly

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